Friday, October 16, 2015

My First Client

I have recently just finished up the genealogy for my first client! She asked me to research her family history on her father's side. Her family didn't know much about their ancestors on that side beyond her grandparents. Spending about 9 hours on researching her family history, and mainly using because of time, I was able to uncover quite a bit. I traced her family back to the early 1800s, discovered an immigrant ancestor, and was able to find records of her family's involvement in the Civil War and World Wars 1 & 2.

Doing genealogy research for someone else is so much fun for me. While my top priority is always my personal family history, it is nice to take a break from that and find new types of sources and documents for someone else. I love being able to fill in the gaps of a family's history and answer questions that they may have about it. I cannot wait for my next client!

Happy history hunting!

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